Open Devicelab Ghent

Studio Massis opened an open device lab freely available for freelancers and small web bureaus

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Open Device What?

Open Device Lab!

These days, websites are required to work on phones and tablets as well as laptops. Making sure your web-based product works across a wide range of browsers and screen sizes can be a costly affair in terms of hardware. Open Device Lab Gent is a device testing lab, where you can test on loads of devices for free. This way you don't need to buy the expensive stuff, yet be sure all is working fine across different devices.

Visit the lab

Drop us a mail/tweet and drop by! We are located downtown Gent, near the Dampoort railway station.

Grow the lab

Have an old device you're not using anymore? Add it to our growing collection and help our community.

Exchange experience

The open device lab is more than just devices. You can meet like-mind people and exchange ideas.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas

For who?

Freely available for freelancers and small web bureaus

The lab is primary aimed at freelancers and small web bureaus. We welcome webdesigners, frontenders & web developers in testing their websites on a bunch of devices. All devices are running Adobe Edge to enable this.
We're also allowing app developers to install apps on our devices with as main restriction: the devices need to be returned in original state.

Testing can be done on our premises.
If you want to take the devicelab to your own office, we'll charge a fee and request a warranty.

You're none of the above but are in urgent need of a devicelab? Contact us, and we'll see what is possible.

Our device library

Have a device to share? We'll be happy to adopt it :)

We have currently a limited set of devices, but are growing slowly. Don't hesitate to add your device to your collection. Sharing is caring.

Device ▾ OS Screen Size Contributor
Apple iPad 3G Retina iOS 7.1.1 768 x 1024 Ine D.
Apple iPad Mini iOS 6.1.3 768 x 1024 Roel V.G
Apple TV 3 not applicable Studio Massis
Lumia 1520 Windows 8 1920 x 1080 Microsoft
Dell Venue Pro Windows 8.1 1280 x 800 Microsoft
Microsoft Surface RT Windows 8.0 1366 x 768 Microsoft
Microsoft Surface RT Windows 8.1 1366 x 768 Microsoft
Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone 8 800 x 480 Microsoft
Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone 7.5 480 x 800 Nokia
Nokia Lumia 820 Windows Phone 8 480 x 800 Nokia
Nokia Lumia 830 Windows Phone 8.1 720 x 1280 Microsoft
Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8.1 768 x 1280 Microsoft
Sony Xperia Z Android 4.4 1920 x 1200 Sony
Sony Xperia Z2 Android 4.1 1920 x 1200 Sony

Visit us

Our coworking, Studio Massis, is located downtown Gent, near the Dampoort railway station.
The address is Dendermondsesteenweg 48a, Gent.
Before coming, make sure that the space isn’t occupied yet.
So send us a message @studiomassis at least few days beforehand.

Our sponsors

This project wouldn't be existing if it wasn't for their help.

And the cool guidance of & Andre Jay Meissner